24 Prompts to Get Over Writer's Block in 2024

Prompts to help you get unstuck as you build your social presence this year.

Happy New Year! 🎉

I hope this year brings you happiness and success in all of your endeavors.

Thank you for being here early with me as I find my footing while building out this project.

Today’s post is short & sweet, but also something you can immediately take action on.

I’d suggest opening a Google Doc as you read the prompts and writing down the ones that speak to you most.


Most people get stuck when trying to build a social presence because they don’t know what to post.

Which is wild to me because you already have years worth of content living in your head.

Here are 24 writing prompts (which can also be helpful for video scripts) to help you get unstuck as you build your social presence this year.

  1. Who are you? What’s your story?

  2. What product are you building?

  3. Who is the product for?

  4. Why are you building it?

  5. What problem does it solve?

  6. How can people use your product?

  7. What other people are saying about your product?

  8. How did you come up with the idea for your product?

  9. What’s something you recently learned this week?

  10. What are some of your favorite accounts to follow? Why?

  11. What have you been obsessed with lately? Why?

  12. Who are some of your favorite business mentors? What have you learned most from them? Any resources you can share?

  13. What’s a strong opinion you have within your industry or niche?

  14. What’s a lesson you’ve learned throughout your career that you wish you learned earlier?

  15. Explain what you do to a 2nd grader.

  16. Who are other builders or creators you admire? Why?

  17. What’s the biggest misconception people have about your work?

  18. If you had to start over again, what’s one thing you’d keep the same and actually double down on?

  19. If you weren’t doing what you do today, how would you be spending your time?

  20. What’s a product or service you wish existed? Why?

  21. What questions do you have for your target users/customers?

  22. I know nothing about your work. Teach me something that I might find interesting or useful.

  23. Who has been supporting you since day 1? Share a story about how one of them helped you early in your journey.

  24. If you could only recommend one resource (book, podcast, documentary, etc.) to someone interested in learning about your work, what would it be?

Many of these can be expanded on, combined with one another, and edited to fit your specific situation.

Get started with a the easy ones and build up to more in-depth stories once you’ve warmed up.

If you find yourself creating more than one piece of content in a single session, schedule your posts out over the course of a few days so that you don’t forget (or get cold feet).

You got this!

If you’re finding value in this newsletter, I’d really appreciate a share on social or forwarding this edition to a friend!

It goes a long way for me.

Thank you!


Something I really enjoyed this week:


or to participate.