Distribution is the Moat

Read this short note if you're a builder.

As AI makes content creation easier & easier, I believe high-trust personal brands will become increasingly more valuable in the years to come.

Don’t believe me?

Click into this the tweet below and see about 20 examples of people who have found success in their projects thanks to having an online presence.

For those too lazy to click in, here are a few examples proving my point:

But the thing is…

Pretty soon, anyone will be able to create highly researched, well-written, and optimized social content.

The only things that will help you stand out are your individual experiences, personality, and reputation.

None of which can be bought and are very tough to replicate.

In the near future, people will be overwhelmed with accounts to follow and turn to those who have been consistent in their feeds for years.

They'll turn to the accounts who not only share about what they're building, but also provide updates about their life, hobbies, hot takes, and personal stories.

Some of the smartest people I know have recently realized this and are starting to double down on building out their personal brands, signaling to me that more will follow.

In short, they’ve realized that distribution is the moat.

If you ever plan on launching something that requires distribution, then you should start allocating time & energy towards building your online presence.

Start with the content format you enjoy most.

Could be text or video.

Short form or long form.

Then select one social platform that lends itself to that format.

Set a goal that forces you to create on a consistent basis.

Could be something like -- posting 5 short form posts and 1 long form post per week.

Share about what you're most obsessed with.

Share about your hobbies.

Share personal stories that others can learn from.

In general, try to be helpful with your updates.

Over time, de-platform your audience using newsletters & closed community tools.

Start an accountability group with others in your niche who want to build their online presence as well.

Support one another, share what's working, what's not, etc.

Give it some time -- don't give up after 3 months.

I'd wait at least 1 year until even thinking of giving up.

By then, you should have meaningful data (or a direct outcome) that signals to you it has been worth it.

This is the way.

Owned distribution is will be the moat of this generation.

Get ahead of the game by building yours now.

Some resources to help you:


or to participate.